Atlantic Salmon Fishing Guide Québec City
Buck Bug Magic - Atlantic Salmon Fishing Tips Québec City
Within its pages, you’ll discover Atlantic salmon fly fishing methods and techniques which, if you study them will elevate your fly fishing skills. This book Buck Bug Magic is a must-have for your fly-fishing Atlantic salmon library.
After I retired , my first journey to flyfish for Atlantic salmon was to the George River in Northern Quebec from the Quebec City airport. with our gear put away we started flyfishing at 3:00 PM. I showed my guide my gold bodied squirrel tail fly which had been my favority fly many years ago on the Miramichi. He said it won't work and produced another fly which he tied on to my leader with what I discovered later was an Art Lee's riffling hitch, For the next two seasons I used the riffling hitch. After second season I would never use Art Lee's riffling hitch again. Here is what happened. The afternoon wind blew at roughly 35 MPH. The waves were not allowing the fly to make a wake. I tied on a green machine tied on a down eye hook and my casts were blown upstream and yet produced a strike and I landed the fish Why? ;shortly there was another why? The answer occurred for me on the way home after the trip. The down eye of the hook was not the lip of a plug: it was exactly the opposite. For the reason see pages 12 - 19 and 35. of my book and learn the advantages of using down eye hooks instead of hitched hooks.
For more information about Atlantic salmon fishing guide Québec City, purchase my book. Feel free to reach out to me today with any questions.
For fishing enthusiasts near Quebe City seeking expert, guidance on Atlantic salmon fishing, our book “Buck Bug Magic” stands out as a valuable Companion. Dive into a world where the art of flyfishing meets in-depth and practical tips; tailored to enhance your Atlantic salmon experience. This book is not just a manual – IT’s a journey crafted by a seasoned angler who understands the nuances of this specific type of fishing.
The Forks Atlantic salmon pool is formed by the intersection of the Matapedia and Causapscal Rivers. Pete Dube was my guide and commented “there are always fish in this pool, but we didn’t fish. The next day was my last day, and the fishing had been Slow; but Pete had other business, so I was on my own and decided to give the Forks A try. I rigged up and stepped into water at the top of the pool behind another fisherman. I started casting using my best flies riffling nicely over the water. I expected something to happen but it didn’t. The other Fisherman completed his “rotation” and started his next “drop” and I followed him. He finished his “rotation” nodded to me and said, “this pool is all yours”. I was alone excepting For two fishermen conversing at a park bench across the river. Being miraculously alone, I took two steps to get lower in the pool so I could wade upstream with dry flies. I decided to Work a brown Wullf dry fly upstream towards the top of the pool. Much to my surprise the first fish of the trip swirled below my fly. Subsequent casts produced no more swirls; so I Decided, to change flies and chose a green wulff dry fly. When my fly drifted over the same spot where the first fish had appeared. It appeared again and this time took my fly and Pulled the line below the water’s surface. Unfortunately, because of the strong current I was unable to avoid slack in my line which prevented me from setting the hook. The two Other fishermen on the park bench saw what had happened and began fishing immediately on their side of the pool. I quit fishing and didn’t care. It would have been nice to have hooked the fish and landed it; but the lesson was worth more than any salmon. First, the Causapscal River is a smaller Atlantic salmon river than the Matapedia river into which it flows. Atlantic salmon are believed to return somehow to their natal rivers where they were born. Guess what? In summer the water level off the Causapscal becomes too shallow and warm for safe migration so the salmon have to wait in the forks unlike Matapedia salmon for summer rain. How long is this wait? My guess is one month to one 1+1/2.. I suspect the salmon I almost hooked had been in the pool for some time. Why? Because it took a dry fly dead drifted and not being pulled against the current. Why? Because when this salmon arrived in the pool with other salmon it had the opportunity to learn beware never strike a fly pulled against the current having seen what happened to salmon striking at flies pulled against the current. See “Buck Bug Magic :Catch more Atlantic salmon” pages 88-89.
Within its pages, you’ll discover a treasure trove of insights and strategies, and techniques honed through years of hands- on experience. From hands-experience. From understanding the behavior of Atlantic salmon to mastering the art of fly selection, each chapter is filled with practical wisdom that can elevate your fishing game. What sets Buck Bug Magic apart is its ability to resonate with both beginners looking to embark on their first Atlantic adventure and seasoned anglers aiming to refine their skills. The blend of storytelling, technical advice and insider tips creates a compelling narrative that immerses you in the world of Atlantic salmon flyfishing like never before. Furthermore, if you are eager to unlock the secrets Of successful Atlantic salmon flyfishing and elevate your fishing prowess. “Buck Bug Magic” is the must- have companion for your angling escapades BUY YOURS TODAY to learn crucial Atlantic salmon fishing tips.